One of the tricky aspects of Homebrew is that Python can come from multiple locations.
#Install matplotlib mac update#
Keeping it up to date involved brew update brew upgrade, and that was that. Installing it was a matter of running a simple command (scroll to the bottom of that page). Now that I'm using a Mac, I found Homebrew to meet all my package management needs.
#Install matplotlib mac install#
At some point, I did install Matplotlib via Cygwin but, alas, did not document instructions and have since forgotten the details of the process. When I had to use Windows more often, I found the Cygwin system a boon both for accessing all my Linux/bash scripts on Windows as well as keeping everything up to date. rpm, yum, and apt-get all provided ways to keep software up to date without having to check individual sites for updates.

Thus started my slow search for alternatives, preferably open source alternatives with combined graphing capabilities. I had lots of fun with Matlab in grad school, but I always had in the back of my mind that at some point my educational subscription would run out.